Tuesday 26 November 2013

Poem Recitation Competition for Pre-Primary

Orchids International School, Hyderabad believes that poetry recitation is an effective method for students to increase their appreciation for language and cement their mastery over public speaking. Such school activities forces our new generation to find hidden gems in literature and it develops their creative thinking and imagining capability. As Einstein said imagination is greater than knowledge and encouraging students to be creative is as important as academics.  Reciting poems in front of a huge audience will boost students’ confidence and will help to develop personal relationships by gaining more self esteem. The competition was held at the classroom level in the Pre-Primary section. Winners were chosen according to their performance, way of reciting, confidence level and quality of the poem.

Winners emerged in both groups are listed below:

Arpika Panda
K. Sai Sri Sushanth
Arpit Nishant