Saturday 31 August 2013


Janmashtami was celebrated at Orchids-The International School, on Wednesday 28/8/13, with great joy and fervour. Students came dressed up as cute Radha and NatkatKrishna, cheerfully. The school premises was decorated with flowers, buntings, and pictures of Lord Krishna. The school looked like Vrindavan, when little angels danced to 'MaiyaYashoda'. Tiny tots captivated the audience with their scintillating performances. Moreover, the event became very exciting when parents of the children also joined the programme with their kids for the competition which started at 10:30am and continued till 11:30an.

It appeared as if Orchids  school turned into Gokul for a short while where Lord Krishna had spent his childhood. Students were told about Krishna's life and his thoughts. Special matkee was prepared. It was broken by Kanha and his friends, to get chocolates.Fun and frolic marked the presentation.